The Girl Scout Cookie Program is one of the key elements in Girl Scouts. The Cookie Program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world and the largest financial investment in girls annually in the United States! By setting and reaching cookie goals, girls fund activities, community service and leadership projects, campouts, and travel opportunities they choose with their troop.

cookie booth

Participating in the cookie program helps girls develop five business and leadership skills:

  1. Goal setting. Girls set cookie goals individually and with their troop—and create a plan to reach them.
  2. Decision making. As they make choices about how to participate and what to do, they become stronger critical thinkers and problem solvers.
  3. Money management. Taking cookie orders and handling customers’ money is a practical way to learn financial literacy.
  4. People skills. Girl talk to, listen to and work with a lot of people, resolving conflicts and building relationships as they go.
  5. Business ethics. Girl Scouts are honest and responsible through every step of the cookie program.

Cookie season runs late January through mid March each year.

Quick Start for volunteers

Volunteers are an essential part of the Girl Scout Cookie Program and fall product program! Help your Girl Scout or troop by becoming a troop cookie manager or troop fall manager in just three steps:

  1. Join Girl Scouts. If you’re already a member, log in to My GS.
  2. Select volunteer role “Troop Cookie Manager” or “Troop Fall Manager” and complete background screening.
  3. Complete online Cookie training – use code Cookie21

Note: Your troop must have a Wells Fargo bank account to participate in the product programs.

Before the program begins

  • Be registered as an adult member for the current membership year with the Troop Cookie Manager role selected in the Opportunity Catalog, and a completed background check on file.
  • Attend cookie training held by the Service Unit Cookie Coordinator (SUCC).
  • Review and submit your TCM Agreement online use the provided QR code.
  • Log into eBudde after you receive access, verify girls, troop level, and confirm/enter banking information.
  • Order cookies for initial troop inventory and initial order rewards, if applicable.
  • Sign up for booth locations.

Troop Cookie Manager

The main job of the Cookie Manager is to:

  • Follow and meet all deadlines
  • Comply with the GSUSA and GSSD standards, procedures, and guidelines.
  • Promote the Cookie Program in a positive light and relay information that is consistent with the Girl Scouts of San Diego standards.